Atelier for architecture and urbanism

What are your fees?

Our fees are based on industry-average percentage of the projected cost of construction: 7-14% for full architectural services, 3.5-7% for design-only services. (The higher the construction budget, the lower the percentage.)

Do you offer internships or work experience?

We cannot offer internships or work experience; occasionally we do mentoring.

Do you have photos of finished projects?

No, generally speaking, for the following 3 reasons:

  1. Most of our work is residential. We respect our clients’ privacy and do not ask to photograph.
  2. We find it unhelpful to create an impression or expectation of a specific design style: our designs reflect our clients’ individual requirements and unique site conditions.
  3. We try to focus on actual work rather than marketing.

(Some of our work may be visited or reviewed in independent literature or online.)

Do you work interstate or internationally?

We work on projects across Australia, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Where required, we co-operate with local jurisdiction architects.

Do you take on pro bono projects?

Depending on circumstances we may consider to waive or reduce our fees.

Where can I get your open source / free plans?

Please use this link.